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June 20, 2024Our Top 5 Tips For A Great Vet Visit With Your Dog

For a dog, a veterinarian’s clinic can be a scary place. Being touched by an unfamiliar person, having uncomfortable procedures, and being in close confines with other pets can be overwhelming for your dog and for you.
At Rossmore Veterinary Hospital, we understand a trip to the vet can be stressful, so understanding each pet’s needs is at the core of our gentle approach. As much as we want our clinic to be a positive environment for all pets, we understand this isn’t always going to be the case.
We’ve put together our top 5 tips for making a visit to the vet a comfortable one for your pet. Read this article to find out how preparation, positive associations, and asking lots of questions make for a great vet visit with your dog.
1 – Preparation is Key to a Great Vet Visit
Whether you have an appointment scheduled for your dog’s annual check-up down to a fine art or you’ve just realised they are way overdue for a visit, you should follow some steps in preparation for seeing the vet.
If it’s a vet your dog has not seen before, you will want to take along pet records so that you can inform them of your dog’s medical history and any medication they have taken previously. It’s also a good idea to take along any medication they are currently taking, including vitamins and flea medication.
If you are seeing your vet for a specific problem, keep a pet health diary in the weeks leading up to your visit so that you can clearly communicate what the problems are.
Don’t forget you need to keep your dog on a leash during your visit or arrange for a carrier if it will make your small dog feel more comfortable.

2 – Take the Time to Understand Your Dog’s Behaviour
If you worry about taking your dog to the vet because they often show signs of aggression or anxiety, you can take steps to make the experience positive.
Dogs that show signs of aggression
If your dog shows signs of aggression towards other pets or strange people, it may help to address behaviour management issues with a professional before your visit. Veterinary staff are often confronted with this issue. Speak to them when making your appointment about any concerns you may have. You may like to leave the dog outside with someone familiar that they trust while you let staff know you have arrived. This will help keep the dog calm if they do not handle a change of routine well.
Dogs that suffer from anxiety
If your dog suffers from anxiety, you might like to take them along to the vet clinic with you when you make the appointment. This will help them become familiar with the waiting room and have a positive experience before seeing the veterinarian. Keep an eye out for stress signals or signs of fear such as panting, changes in body posture, or tucking their tail between their rear legs. Offer comfort, but don’t fuss over them, and reward them with praise and treats once the experience is over.
Some dogs love a car ride, but the same thing can cause fear and anxiety in some pets. Therefore, it’s important to practise taking car trips in the lead-up to your vet visit so that your dog is feeling calm by the time they see the vet for their examination.

3 – Learn How Best to Handle Waiting Room Anxiety
Except in the case of emergencies when you’ve let staff know you’re on your way, it’s normal to have to wait to see the vet before you enter the exam room for treatment. For example, you might be asked to fill out paperwork or put your dog on scales to be weighed.
The waiting room can cause fear and anxiety in some pets and pet owners. This is especially so if you’re not sure how your pet will react to strange people or other pets, such as cats. Taking their favourite blanket, toys, or bite-sized pieces of special food treats (such as chicken) can help keep your dog calm while they wait. You might even ask them to do tricks to keep their attention on you and reinforce their good behaviour with lots of praise. It’s a great idea to take your dog on a walk before their vet visit so both of you are relaxed.
Don’t forget that you can always bring a trusted friend for support if you find the idea of taking your dog to the vet daunting!
4 – Ask Lots of Questions During the Appointment
Taking a list of questions for the vet will help you stay focussed on effective communication, especially if you are being distracted by your pet in the consult room. Some questions you might like to ask include:
- Milestones for puppies
- Any future appointments that need to be made for a puppy, such as for vaccinations
- What the veterinarian does during a check-up
- Has the vet noticed any problems with your dog?
- How to groom your dog
- If your dog’s teeth and mouth look healthy
- You might like to discuss any behavioural issues
- Discuss your dog’s exercise routine
- How to trim your dog’s nails
- What diet the veterinarian recommends for your pet
- How to treat your dog for worms and fleas
- Correct procedures for medication administration
- Post-visit and follow-up care
- When to visit for your next check-up.

5 – Follow the Vet’s Aftercare Advice
Before you leave, it’s important you understand how to take care of your pet after they visit the veterinarian. Be clear about how to administer any medication they require and if there are any other steps you need to take. It’s essential that you follow your vet’s aftercare advice to prevent further medical issues with your dog and ensure their comfort if they are recovering from a procedure.
How nutrition and exercise keep your pet healthy
Your dog’s diet and overall wellness are essential parts of preventative health care. Taking the opportunity to discuss with your vet how to feed your dog a balanced diet and provide them with an adequate amount of exercise can reduce the need for emergency vet visits and extend their lifespan.
The Care and Attention You and Your Dog Deserve
Preparation and understanding your dog’s behaviour are key when it comes to a great vet visit. Doing your best to keep your emotions in check will help keep your dog calm. Ask plenty of questions and follow the aftercare tips your vet recommends, and the experience will be a positive one for both you and your best friend.
For a stress-free vet appointment in Sydney, schedule your dog’s next visit with Rossmore Veterinary Hospital and experience the difference! Call (02) 9606 6984 to make an appointment today.